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The role and powers of the Court of Honor are defined in Article 27. of the Statute of the Chamber (Official Gazette no. 58/18). The task of the Court of Honor is to influence the prevention of unethical and unacceptable behavior of members of the Chamber, which is contrary to the provisions of this Statute and damages the reputation of the audit profession. 
In its work, the Court of Honor is independent in its decision-making and independent from other bodies of the Chamber. For the purposes of conducting proceedings before the Court of Honor, the Court adopts rules of procedure. 
The Court of Honor has three members elected by the Assembly. The members elect a president from among themselves.

The current members of the Court of Honor are:

Frane Garma
president of the Court of Honor

elected on December 17, 2020

Ilija Nikolić
member of the Court of Honor

elected on December 17, 2020

Vedrana Stipić
member of the Court of Honor

elected on December 15, 2022