Veličina fonta
Disleksija font Veći razmak Označi poveznice
Kontrast Invert Crno/bijelo

The Administrative and Professional services are in charge of carrying out and implementing the Chamber's public powers and tasks established by the Audit Act and the Statute of the Chamber.

Zrinka Bratić

Executive director
telephone: +38514649618
mobile phone: +385913693010
e-mail: zrinka.bratic@revizorska-komora.hr 

Branka Petričević

Head of the service for development and professional issues
telephone: +38514649618
mobile phone: +385913693013
e-mail: bpetricevic@revizorska-komora.hr

Ivana Rapić Dujmović

Professional associate
telephone: +38514649618
mobile phone: +385911312803
e-mail: irapic@revizorska-komora.hr


Tajana Skenderi

Administrative secretary - administrative officer
telephone: +385 1 4649618
mobile phone:.+385 91 2693016
e-mail: tajana.skenderi@revizorska-komora.hr