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The Board is appointed by the Administrative Council, in accordance with Article 29 of the Statute of the Chamber (Official Gazette No. 58/18, 147/20, and 77/21).

In accordance with Article 31 of the Statute of the Chamber, The Board implements activities related to the audit and special exam, the professional training program for passing the audit exam and the program of continuous professional development organized by the Chamber:

  • proposes to the Administrative Council the professional training program for taking the audit exam and the program for taking the audit and special exam and monitors the quality of their performance,
  • monitors professional training programs of other organizers to which the Ministry of Finance has given prior consent,
  • proposes to the Administrative Council the annual program of continuous professional development and the program of annual professional counseling of certified auditors,
  • develops and organizes other forms of professional development of certified auditors and carries out other tasks in accordance with the decisions and recommendations of the Administrative Council.

The Committee for Professional Training and Continuous Professional Development consists of five members who choose the president from among themselves. The current members are:
Boris Tušek, Prof. Ph.D., president (appointed on September 27, 2016)
Mario Spremić, Prof. Ph.D., member (appointed on September 27, 2016)
Hrvoje Perčević, Prof. Ph.D., member (appointed on September 27, 2016)
Marina Tonžetić, member (appointed on October 16, 2020)
Slaven Kartelo, member (appointed on October 16, 2020)
Associated members:
Željko Faber (appointed on May 24, 2018)
Ivan Čevizović, Ph.D. (appointed on May 24, 2018)